Enlightenment Centre

Religious, Political and Social Enlightenment


Is religion the root of all evils

Religion is obviously not the cause of earthquakes and asteroid and other natural disasters but, most religions make a big point of separating believers from non-believers, and labeling the latter as Sinners and deserving of punishment.

Abrahamic religions, with their self-defined Jealous God, are the worst in that respect. Every one of them, when it had secular power killed and tortured those who didn’t have exactly the same beliefs.

Modern Christians don’t know that Christianity in it’s early years spent hundreds of years burning heretics and waging religious wars, and those in Africa still subtly do that.

According to the Bible stories, Jews under Joshua slaughtered the inhabitants of Palestine on Yahweh’s orders and till today the hostility between the modern Jews residing in the Middle East and the Middle Easterners remains, all engendered by the stories from both the Bible and the Koran. And you don’t need to be told how Muslims treat the Jews, other unbelievers and apostates.

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Another good example of the evils of religion are the Balkans and Northern Ireland, where the people are very similar racially, but have religious feuds going back centuries based on which religion their ancestors converted to.
Religion also establishes the habit of believing implausible ideas based on ancient ignorant myths, which makes it easy for believers to reject the inconvenient truths of science, like evolution and global warming. the latter possibly leading to the destruction of human life on earth.
With this I would say, not all evils, but most of the unnecessary ones.

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